Wednesday, January 2, 2013


85% of weight loss comes from your eating habits. Yes a great workout helps...a ton.
It’s that time of year when we all decide that in order to be happy “I will lose weight” (I actually hate this resolution. I hate it so much I must not discuss it now. I will save it for another blog post.)
Even though it is winter and it’s easy hide the pounds with layers of sweaters I have some advice for eating during these next few winter months. These tips work wonders for females or males no matter your age.

This first tip is key. No matter what you do make the choice to do this
1.Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily, including one glass before every meal.

I harp on this one alot. I always talk about it because it works.
2.Always have breakfast. It provides energy to your body and brain and keeps you from going into starvation mode and binge-eating later.

This next tip is a must.
3.Schedule time to eat. Plan on three meals and two fruit or veggie snacks every day. Look at your schedule for the day and block out windows of time to eat; "not enough time" is not an excuse. I make sure to eat every 4 hours.

Hands down the best advice I have ever received about eating. I love it so much I want to share it with you.
4.Count to your age before you "cheat." Anytime you find you are about to eat something that's not healthy, count to your age. If you still want a bit after your countdown, feel free; you've made a conscious decision to indulge.

Don’t eat Junk! Just Don’t!
5.Avoid processed snacks. Always try to have a piece of fruit rather than processed snack foods, especially late at night. If fruit alone doesn't cut it, try adding some peanut butter. If you need a sugar fix, nuke a handful of dark chocolate chips in the microwave for a few seconds and dip your fruit into that.
Sounds simple. It is.

Think before you eat! Happy New Year Sassy Girl!