Sunday, January 20, 2013

Setting A Sassy Example

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses. We all make them. I hear this excuse a lot. "I Don't Get a Break From the Kids."
Here is my answer: Mulitask. If you are a parent you are amazing at this so this will not be a problem for you.

When you go to the park or your backyard for a workout: Take the kids with you, they can swing while you jumprope.
Instead of using the car go walk the kids to school. Gas is expensive! You save money, get some exercise in and spend time with your kids! How awesome is that?!
Kids are busy and if yours spend time at a field practicing (for example: soccer), walk briskly around the field.

I encourage you to get the whole family involved in physical activity together. Go biking with your kids, put up a badminton net in the yard, sign up as a family for "fun runs," or just walk around the neighborhood with your children. I know it's January so being outside for a long period of time may not happen, try active video games like Dance Dance Revolution (which is my fav), Wii Sport, and Wii Fit.

When mom or dad is fit, everyone wins!