Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sassier Saddle

Exercises that work your butt and thighs?

Here are some of the better exercises that you can do for your butt and thighs.

1. The good old squat
Oh, the squat. How I love and hate you. I love how you make my legs strong and super sassy! I can tackle those subway stairs thanks to you. You give me amazing lower body power.
Make weighted squats the core of your leg workouts but make sure you are practicing good form so you don't hurt your knees.

2. Fast and Furious Hills
I'm going to say this and I know you heard this before up hills fast. You will get lean, strong and sexy legs. Yes sprints burn like crazy but you kill two birds with one stone. You get a killer cardio workout and your legs get toned at the same time! Running up hills is one of the best exercises you can do for your butt and thighs.

3. Yoga
Not everyone is a runner so I want to feature another workout that is very powerful for your gams. Make sure the style you choose is challenging. Think Power Yoga. Also you get to build muscles and work on your flexibility at the same time! 

4. Step ups
This exercise is one of my favs. You will get a really awesome butt and thigh workout if you step up onto a solid surface slightly higher than your knees. You will love the pain. Best of all you don't need any extra equipment!

Here are just some leg and butt exercises that are in my "go to" leg workout program. Find the ones that work for your body. Every one is different and what works for you may not work for someone else. Find what does and really "perfect" your form so you will see results.