Sunday, May 13, 2012

Time Crunch? Cardio or Weights?

When you have no time skipping your workout is not an option.  When time is of the essence what should you do to get the best workout in the shortest time, cardio or weights? The answer, circuit training.  With circuit training you go from one exercise to the next using resistance that is relatively challenging to downright heavy with minimal rest in between sets.  This type of training provides the “after burn” that is so beneficial. If you workout harder and more intense the longer your body will be in a higher metabolic rate. Meaning when your workout is over you will be burning calories at a higher rate then if you didn’t workout that day. It’s not a huge number but over time it adds up! Basically you need to be challenging yourself so you can get that after burn. The more intense the better. Use weights that are heavy and uncomfortable to get your metabolism sky high.

Now be honest with yourself. Is time your issue? Probably not. If you’ve got time to scroll around on the internet time is not your issue, it’s probably motivation. Well how does one get and stay motivated? Well, summer is coming and that means you can’t cover up with bulky sweaters and coats. Or, enlist a friend that will hold you accountable for your workouts. Maybe posting a pic of you in kick ass shape somewhere that you will always see it will do the trick. Find something that will work for you and kick things up a notch.