First off…If you are just starting out discuss fitness plans with your doctor, especially if you are unfit and/or overweight. If you're already fit, consider whether you're working outside of your comfort zone. We all tend to just “go through the motions” and not put our mind into the muscle. Listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs. If you find a form of exercise that works your body, fits in with your lifestyle, and leaves you feeling awesome chances are you will stick with the plan. It takes 30 days to form a habit. I suggest if you really want to commit to fitness you make a deal with yourself that for 30 days you stick with it. Unfortunately there isn’t just one quick fix. If you need some help finding what is best for you I suggest speaking to people who are in tune with physical fitness. Remember your long term goal is about having a strong heart muscle, fighting disease, and keeping the doctor at bay. Short term goals like fitting into a specific dress for an event are motivating only for a short period of time. 4
Some Great exercises for the popular “special” spots:
o For a tigher tummy: Air pedaling is a great way to tone your abdominals. Lie on your back with your knees raised, bend your knees and lock your hands together behind your head. Alternate touching one elbow to the opposite bent knee, as you extend the other leg. Repeat.
o For a tighter backside: Lunges. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take one long step forward with your right leg while keeping a straight back; lower your body and bend your knees. Move back to a standing position in one smooth motion.
o Great forms of total body exercise include running, swimming, cycling, and kickboxing. These focus on your mid-section and help to burn fat.
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Mix up your exercise choices. Only doing one thing is boring and you risk stopping! Picking different exercises to do on specific days of the week is a fun way to constantly challenge your body and your mind!
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