Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Finding The Balance

One of my favorite ways to stay in shape and keep my relationships fresh is to workout with my partner. Do this workout with your partner and you will both start to notice impressive improvements in your balance.
The  balance workout itself includes three exercises and for each exercise you should do as many reps as you can within 5 minutes. After completing each exercise, you should have a 1 minute rest and then move onto the next exercise.

Activity #1: Back To Back Partner Stand Ups
This one is a fun balance exercise as well as a great leg workout. I did this one with a man who was 65 lbs heavier than I and it did not work as well.The only way we could get up is when he stood up first and I was on his back like a Baby Bjorn. Granted it was extremely funny but not such a great exercise.  When I did this one with a friend who weighs roughly the same as I, we both had a much better workout.
Equipment Required:
- None
1. Sit on the floor back to back with your partner, making sure that your knees are bent as far as possible and your feet are planted firmly on the floor.
2. Hook your arms together and then slowly stand up by straightening your legs and pushing against each other’s backs.
3. Once you’ve managed to stand up, slowly lower yourselves back down to the starting position.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for as many repetitions as you can manage within 5 minutes.

Activity #2 – Single Leg Partner Balance Contest

The single leg partner balance contest is an enjoyable exercise which allows you to compete with your partner to see who has the best single leg balance. Warning: this exercise may make your partner (who thinks he or she is a saint) a little pissed. Be ready!
Equipment Required:
- None
1. Stand face to face with your partner about an arm’s width apart.
2. Bring your right foot off the ground, balance on your left leg and get your partner to do the same.
3. Bend your right knee and your hips slightly and get your partner to do the same.
4. When you are both balanced and ready, take turns at pushing each other off balance.
5. Once one partner has successful pushed the other partner off balance (by making them put their right foot on the ground), repeat steps 1 to 4 but balance on your right legs instead of your left legs.
6. Continue playing single leg partner balance contest until your 5 minutes are up.

Activity #3  – Single Leg Partner Jump Shadow

The single leg partner jump shadow is an excellent balance exercise which involves mimicking your partner’s movements.
Equipment Required:
- None
1. Stand face to face with your partner about two feet apart.
2. Bring your right foot off the ground and balance on your left leg.
3. Get your partner to bring their left foot off the ground and balance on their right leg.
4. Pick one partner to be the offensive person and the other partner to be the defensive person.
5. The offensive person is responsible for initiating movements and can hop to the left, right, forwards or backwards. The defensive person has to mimic the offensive person’s movements as quickly as possible.
6. Start hopping and continue until one partner loses their balance, then repeat steps 2 to 5 but switch the legs you are balancing on.
7. Continue playing single leg partner jump shadow until your 5 minutes are up.