Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sweet Snack Sampler

I’ve got great news for all you sweet lovers out there. I’m sure your dentist won’t like this news because it means you won’t be visiting them as much and that means you are not helping her or him purchase that new home in Belize. This “candy”may help strengthen tooth enamel and guard against plaque. So what is this amazing candy called? Dates. They are sweet, delicious and are rich in the element fluorine, which sounds like what it is -- a relative of fluoride, that enamel-friendly compound that can actually help reverse early tooth decay.

My second favorite sweet treat...Raisins! Why? Phytochemicals in these fruits appear to inhibit the growth of certain types of bacteria that mess with your mouth, and they help prevent it from sticking to teeth.

My suggestion is to add dates or raisins into your salad, oatmeal, or just eat them as is. You get fiber, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. You can’t make this stuff up. You can’t buy it at your local candy store either.