Saturday, February 16, 2013

Catch My Breath

Ever run down the stairs to get on the train and you are huffing and puffing because you sprinted through the turnstile to make it into the car before the doors closed?  Of course not everyone lives in NYC so maybe you are late to work and you had to race across the parking lot to get into the office on time. Wherever you live if you find yourself a little out of breath getting where you need to be, GOOD FOR YOU! Tiny workouts like these have a big payback: They make your heart healthier.
20% of your fitness level may come from these micro bursts of activity. My advice is to get moving around. All you have to do is move a little faster to get your heart rate up. And doing so will help make your heart and lungs stronger! Awesome and Sassy! Here are some simple ways to increase your heart rate without even scheduling fitness time into your day:
Try leaving your office a little late for that walking-distance lunch date, then hustle so you're on time. Pick up the pace when you're running mall errands. Give the dog a real walk. Dust, sweep, fold the laundry, and vacuum at speed.
Of course, I want you to do more than tiny workouts (I don't cut myself any slack, either). Try speed walking, hop on an exercise bike, or “run” on the elliptical for 30 minutes. The key is consistency: 30 minutes a day trumps a 90-minute killer workout once a week (If you can add an additional 90 minutes a week that is amazing. I suggest that too.)