Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sassy Girl's Heart Healthy Workout Tip

Let’s face it aging sucks. Beyond having to deal with saggy skin and wrinkles your risk for heart disease increases. Luckily there are workouts you can do to workout your heart. There are two VERY easy things you can do to make your heart stronger. If you already workout then Kudos to you. If you don't here is what you need to do:

Move and Groove
Break a sweat for at least 20 minutes (45-60 if possible) 3-4 times a week to give your heart muscle a good workout. I suggest jogging, spinning, racquetball. Basically anything that gets your heart pumping and makes you breathe harder. If vigorous workouts are not your thing or you haven’t worked out in a while try swimming or the elliptical trainer. Try upping the ante by kicking things up a notch for one minute, then slow it down for two minutes. Repeat for the remanding time.

A Little Goes A Long Way For Your Heart
This one is super easy. All you need is three 10 minute resistance workouts per week to strengthen your heart. (Once again if you can do more I totally support that. 60 minutes would be nice but not required) No lifting 1,000 lbs necessary. Try using resistance bands, dumbbells, even your own body weight. The key is to work yourself to the max while maintaining 100% perfect form.This tiny amount of strength training builds muscle and stokes your calorie-burning furnace because muscle burns more calories than fat.