Sunday, April 30, 2017

Odd ways to lose weight

There are so many weird ways people try to lose weight. I am always amazed by the lengths people will go to, to lose a few lbs. Here are a few that I have found that I want to share with you. Enjoy the laugh!
  • BELT MASSAGER: Not only did this device promise quick weight loss, it also made it sound so easy! If someone wanted to lose weight, all they had to do was strap a few belts around their problem areas, stand still, and let this contraption jiggle the fat away.
  • THE DRINKING MAN’S DIET: This diet proposed eating mainly low-carb foods, such as steak and lobster, paired with a cocktail, to lose weight. Dieters were instructed to consume no more than 60 carbs per day.
  • TRIM TWIST: People wanting to shed a few pounds could stand on a rotating board, which moved as they twisted their midsections. The Trim Twist promised to firm sagging muscles, reduce pudgy areas, burn calories, and stimulate circulation. All anyone wanting to lose weight had to do was use this contraption for a few spare minutes per day, and they were promised to see results.
 photo of these are so odd and clearly all you have to do is WATCH YOUR MOUTH and you will lose weight. If you’d rather not use your head maybe you can try one of these odd items to lose unwanted pounds.

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