Sunday, April 9, 2017

Are diet pills a good idea?

Maybe your beach vacation is coming up faster than you planned. You shudder as you think about what you look like in your bikini.
Your best friend is getting married, and you want to look great standing next to her. There hasn’t been a time where the two of you look equally good in pictures, but maybe this is the day!
As everyone else pounds a beer and takes their shirt off for a day of fun in the sun, you’re the guy sulking around with his shirt on. “I’m sensitive to the sun,” you say.
Many people are unhappy with their weight. Often, people turn to diet pills to change their outward appearance. These pills are pricey and don’t have any real guarantee. Most aren’t even regulated by the FDA. Why do people continue to consume these pills?
Rest assured, you won’t find real weight loss with these pills. Now, you may discover that you have dropped a few pounds, but it’s likely water weight that will come right back once you stop taking the pills. Maybe your weight loss occurs because these magical little capsules have totally flushed out your system. Congratulations! You spent three consecutive days on the toilet while simultaneously losing your ability to keep any food inside your body. I hope you plan to live off water and crackers for the rest of your life. Many diet pills suppress your appetite. I, for one, actually enjoy eating. I’m not too fond of a pill that takes away one of life’s greatest pleasures.
Reality is that diet pills are an easy fix for weight loss. Didn’t your parents ever teach you that anything worth having in life is worth working for? The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to simply exercise and eat right. Diet pills wreak havoc on your body. If I’m going to destroy my body, it’s at least going to take place in the form of delicious pizza or pasta. Or pizza topped with pasta. Sugary margaritas wouldn’t be a bad choice either. The point is, people take diet pills hoping for some miraculous weight loss that simply won’t sustain itself. Our bodies are pretty stubborn, so changing the mechanics takes some good old-fashioned hard work and effort.

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