Sunday, August 21, 2016

Keeping Active while Traveling

Today's post is a guest post from Jamil Paden from Brotherspodcast

Keeping Active while Traveling
Hey guys I’m back with some must needed advice. If you guys are like me and constantly traveling for various reasons, then you have noticed your work out routines have suffered. Although when we are traveling its extremely important to maintain our daily exercise routines. I get it, it’s a hard task to accomplish, but fear not my friends, because I have a few tips to help you!
1st tip is planning ahead. If you can meal prep than you can activity prep. If you know you going on vacation for example, find a hotel with an exercise room. Verify the machines they have available. In many cases it’s a click of the mouse or phone call away.
2nd tip is simply walking around. Listen, when you’re in a new place its not a bad idea to walk as much as possible. Challenge yourself and find a place to walk. If you’re near a mall or park, then walk. I traveled to Las Vegas and would simple walk to other casino’s just to keep active.
3rd tip is climbing the stairs. instead of taking the elevator walk the stairs as much as possible. If you happen to be in an area where its simply not walking friendly, then walk the stairs. You can set a goal by timing yourself and learning how fast you climb the stairs. I will sometimes set goals for myself during these climbing sessions. I will often stipulate I can not enjoy a snack until I accomplish my goal.
4th tip is using an exercise app. I can’t express how awesome they can be in aiding your healthy living journey. One thing a healthy living app can do is help you track your meals. The more you know what your eating the better you can plan your exercises. The apps can also encourage you to walk more and inform you on how long its been since you ate. The app can overall help you keep a healthy routine.
5th and final tip. I would say enjoy yourself! If you’re on vacation don’t forget to enjoy yourself. If you are able to explore a new location and walk, then trust me the time will fly by and you wont even realize you’re working out. If you’re a competitor, then enjoy making and breaking personal goals. What ever your motivation just enjoy it and have fun.
I hope these tips are helpful and provide you nothing but tools to succeed. If you have any additional tips let us know. Make sure you inform us how well these tips helped you.
Brotherspodcast’s Jamil Paden

If you want to get intouch with Jamil you can email him here.

Follow Sassygirl on Instagram

1 comment:

  1. Greate Article! I am using some protein shake. Should I stop using it whilst i am away?
