Saturday, March 28, 2015

It's all about Me

Me Time is an abstract concept that means not a whole lot of anything.  It’s a myth, really, just something we like to say to make ourselves feel, for a moment, that there is more to us.  We use the term as if it means that it is possible to have time that is just ours and no one else’s.  
So, we can continue to talk about and seek out Me Time, and we can grab lunch with friends or get a pedicure or go to Starbucks and read a book. I think all of that is fine and probably advisable, because when we do those things we feel refreshed and energized for the tasks of life.  But, Me Time isn’t the glorious missing piece in our lives.  Life actually isn’t all about me, as some would have us believe. There is no such thing as Me Time.

By all means, today you should take a few moments for breathing deeply, drinking water or even going to get your nails done.  But, don’t wish away your days by dreaming of some mythical idea of important time spent by yourself.
Me Time isn’t an essential of living.  And, someday, when we’re older, we will have lots and lots and lots of Me Time.

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