Saturday, March 7, 2015

Why Group Workouts are Awesome!

Yes, I love to workout. Duh! I do it alone though. I take group classes like it’s going out of style but rarely do I schedule a fitness date with a friend. The reason: It seems like not alot of people can’t keep a date with friend. Geez, NYC is awesome but I swear some of the flakiest people live here. I’m not about to put my fitness fate in someone else’s hands, so I go at it alone. And, I like it! I do like the group setting. I love exercising with people. I know I’m not the only one who loves working out with many people. So why exactly are so many people jumping the 'lone wolf' ship to work out with others in a group setting? What is the big attraction?


Without signing up and paying for a fitness class most people aren’t going to do it. Fitness is not cheap so the fact that I am paying $40 for a single class will get me to jump out of bed in the AM. Most of the people I take class with agree. That's one of the great things about the group setting. You are held accountable. You must show up or you will pay for the class. Many people who attend a class will show up exhausted from the ups and downs of everyday life. But once they join the group, they become re-energized. Plus, there's the friendly instructor who has your name on a list, and keeps track of your tardiness or your cancellations.

Group Camaraderie

We all love to be social. Hello, look at all the social media platforms that exist today.  Humans love to laugh, joke and have fun. This is one reason group workouts are so amazing. Nothing brings people closer quite like misery and physical suffering. If you've ever done a boot camp or similar class, you'll understand what I'm talking about. Knowing that other people are experiencing the same feeling of being uncomfortable as you makes it better.
Joining a workout group can keep you motivated, hold you accountable and help you develop a sense of group camaraderie.

Finally, in a world where we've become so dependent on email and texting, working out with a group offers that human interaction that is slowly disappearing. We can do just about everything today virtually without ever talking to a person. That is outside of a group fitness setting. With group fitness, you have to get involved. You can try to hide in the back  but a good instructor will integrate you into the group whether you like or not. Technology will never replace the good 'ol fashioned group workout.

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