Sunday, September 29, 2013

Spice It Up!

Variety is the spice of life. This is true especially when it comes to your workout routine. The benefits are much greater when you mix up what you do rather than sticking to the same moves for years on end. How many years have you seen the same people at your gym doing the EXACT same routine day after day and you never see them change? That's because exercise variety maximizes benefits and minimizes obstacles to working out, such as injuries, plateaus, and boredom.

So what should I include in my routine to get results?

Aim for equal amounts of cardio and strength training each week and make sure to include flexibility exercises into every workout.
Yes you should make sure to stay consistent with the cardio and strength training but try to vary the intensity, frequency, duration, and variety within the exercise type. You will get optimal results this way.
  • Intensity is measured by the percentage of your maximum heart rate you reach during an activity.
  • Frequency refers to how often you perform an activity.
  • Duration refers to the amount of time spent performing an activity.
  • Variety refers to the number of different exercises you perform for a specific exercise type -- for example, the number of different cardiovascular exercises you do or the number of different strength-training exercises you do.

In conclusion, make sure your workout is working for you by getting the right mix of flexibility exercises, strength training, and aerobic exercise.