Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Weight Gain Woes?

You wake up 3 times a week at 5am to workout, you try to get the proper amount of sleep, you try to watch what you eat. You're doing everything right, yet your waist keeps expanding faster than a marshmallow in a microwave oven. What gives? Why does this keep happening?

The trouble might be your hormones:
Thyroid levels -- If your thyroid is having problems you can’t burn calories like you once could. Plain and Simple Hypothyroidism slows down your metabolism.

What most people experience.
For Women PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome -- This accounts for unexplained weight gain in 20% of women. It's insulin resistance that's caused by abnormal secretion of a hormone by your ovaries.

Testosterone drops -- Testosterone can fall in older men and postmenopausal women faster than your libido if you gain belly fat, which leads to more fat. Fat in that area converts testosterone to estrogen. Some say that's why fat single men hang out with guys and drink beer in bars -- they have no libido and no aggressiveness to even try a line on a woman. But women with belly fat get libido loss too, as testosterone from their adrenals is a leading stimulator of sex drive. Less testosterone also means less muscle mass, which makes it harder to burn fat (leading to weight gain).

Great. So What’s the cure?
Resistance exercise. Pick up some dumbbells and work your body.