Saturday, March 23, 2013

Lean Mean Fat Burning Machine

Want to burn fat, reduce stress, improve health, and look good wearing your jeans?  Duh? Yes please. Try adding lean muscle to your body -- through strength training and cardiovascular activity.

Make sure you adding stretching to your routine. It really won’t take long to do this. Here is what you should do.

Every single day

  • Walk, run, spin, do any activity that gets your heart rate up. For at least 30 minutes. No matter what. No excuses. It doesn't matter if you do this all at once or break it up into as many as three shorter sessions.
  • Stretch. Once your body is warm (after walking, for instance), stretch for 5 minutes to help elongate your muscles.

2-3 times a week strength train

It's easy to get comfortable with a tried-and-true workout. But if it's results you want, you'll need to shake things up occasionally. It's the sassy thing to do.

Try doing this strength training routine 3 times a week

One-arm pull down (back and biceps)
Walk out (chest, shoulders and core)
Squat jump (legs, core, butt)
Walking lungs (legs, butt)
Slow-count biceps curl (front of arms)
Close grip push ups (chest, back of arms)