Sunday, November 18, 2012

Help Your Body Torch Calories With These Foods

There are many factors that determine your metabolism. Sex, age, muscle mass are just three that are major factors. No matter what kind of genetics you’ve been handed you can make changes to your body. There are 5 foods I suggest you include to your diet to help you move one step closer to your weight loss goals.

Start your morning right with a fat soluble fiber. Eating oatmeal helps reduce cholesterol levels and lowers your chances of heart disease.

2.Hot Peppers
Spice it up! Spicy food helps speed up weight loss. The calorie burn lasts for hours after you've eaten.  Hot peppers, like jalapenos, contain a chemical called capsaicin, which gives these veggies their heat and causes a spike in your metabolism.

3.Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt not only is delish but is one of the best foods to eat if you're trying to lose weight and boost your metabolism. Full of Calcium and protein you get all of the energy you need to keep going.

4.Green Tea

This one is super easy. Drink the green stuff. Green tea contains EGCG, that stimulates the nervous system and that means you burn calories faster. How awesome is that?


This veggie is awesome because it contains calcium AND vitamin C and that both vitamins help you burn calories faster and efficient! Calcium activates your metabolism, while vitamin C helps you absorb more calcium.

If you eat healthy and exercise your metabolism will be stoked and that means you will be leaner and healthier.