Saturday, October 6, 2012

Stand Straight Sassy!

“Watch your form”, “Stand straight”, “No slouching.” You hear these things all the time but turns out they are super important when it comes to exercising properly. Making sure you are working out safely will allow you to workout stronger and faster. So when you only have time for a quick workout you can get the most bang for your buck by focusing on your posture. Here are some things to keep in mind during your next sweat session.

  1. Wrinkle Free Face--No need to furrow your brows here. Keep your face relaxed.
  2. No Sinking Please-- No I’m not saying you need to stick out your chest like you are standing at attention at boot camp for the Army.  BUT pay attention to lifting your chest and bringing your shoulders back. Your shoulders should go back and down. No rounded shoulders EVER!
  3. Length. Lengthen your spine that is. You should be standing so that if I had a string attached to the top of your head your spine would be pulled straight.
  4. ABS, ABS, ABS.  Engage your abs at all times. Like someone is about to punch you in the stomach. (Nice visual right! ha! ha!) Strong abs help support your lower back.
  5. Don't lock yourself out. Keep knees slightly bent and soft while standing. Your knee joints should be lose and juicy.
  6. Don’t forget to Breathe. Exhale on the hard part. When I teach the best thing is I’m forced to breathe because I’m talking and counting. You can do the same by counting your reps out loud...quietly. Don’t be obnoxious and talk so loud that your neighbor can hear you through her headphones.
  7. Don’t stop moving. The worst thing you can do is stop moving after each set. No you should not give yourself a rest after each set by lying down on the bench or sitting down on the floor. Walk around a little. Keep yourself moving. If you have been working out for awhile then try during your recovery set (when you are lifting) to throw in a quick cardio burst like Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Lateral Shuffles, etc.
  8. Add just a little more. When you get stronger push yourself a little more. Try to go an extra few minutes when you are doing cardio, add a few more reps or try  SLIGHTLY heavier weight when you strength train.

These are just some things to think about next time you workout. Remember good form should be your #1 concern. Working out safely is not about how fast you are going or how much you sweat. It’s about doing it right every single time. The goal is Stronger,Leaner and Smart Sassy Girl!