Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sandy, Sandy, Sandy

Due to Hurricane Sandy all public transportation has been shut down in NYC which means I’ll have to work out at home. I want to share my home workout with you. Maybe you will be inspired to try parts or all of my program. Try to mix in moves from my plan into what you are already doing to spice things up.

Quick burst of cardio to warm up
Treadmill (or play a few of your fav songs and dance around) for 7 min
4.2 for 2 min
4.5 for 3 min
5.0 for 2 min
I just want you to warm up so do whatever you can to get your body temp up!

Body Sculpt to shape and tone with heart pumping cardio moves to burn calories.

Quick rest of 30 seconds between sets

Push ups: body weight
1 set 20 reps
open legs wide for a challenge

Lateral raises: 8lbs, 10 lbs
1 sets of 15reps

Stationary Lunge with a Bicep Curl: 8lbs
1 set of 15 reps on each leg

Reverse fly with body weight against a incline bench: 8lbs
1 set of 15 reps

Wide second squat: body weight
1 set of 25 reps

Side to side shuffle:
Light on your feet. Shuffle 3 times to right and gently tap the floor and shuffle 3 times to left and tap. Repeat for 45 seconds

Stationary Lunge with overhead shoulder press: 10lbs
1 set of 15 reps on each leg

Forearm plank: body weight
1 set hold for 30-60 seconds

Triceps dips off a chair: body weight
1 set 20 reps

Overhead Triceps Extension: 1 dumb bell 10-12lbs weight sitting on a stability ball.
1 set 15 reps

Triceps Push up: body weight
1 set 15-20 reps

Jumping Jacks with Shoulder Press: 3lbs
30 seconds at a slow controlled pace

Full Plank: body weight
1 set 45-60 seconds

Dive right into

Forearm plank: body weight
30 seconds

Follow workout with 20 minutes of yoga or pilates

Good Luck Sassy Girl!