Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fat Burn

Two weeks ago I was visiting my family for 7 days.  To keep my sanity I usually go to the local gym for an hour sweat session. I hopped on the step mill and quickly programmed my workout. I have to admit I was tempted to hit the 'FAT BURN' button. It does the work for you and you get to work at a slower pace! Isn't that easy? Most people think "I can put in minimal effort and I'll look like Jillian Michael's the trainer from the Biggest Loser." (FYI I can 100 percent guarantee she isn't lazy when she works out. You don't get all ripped from lackluster workouts.) I didn't hit the FAT BURN button and do you wanna know why?
Slow cardio will not burn more fat! Its true that working at a slower pace a greater percentage of calories burned will be from fat, but the total calories, and total fat calories, will be lower than if you exercise at a more intense pace.

What should you do then? Work out harder? YES, but I don't mean you have to be gasping for breath the entire session or pushing so hard you puke. Try adding intervals. Vary the speed of your favorite cardio by alternating 2 minutes at a moderate pace with 2 minutes at a faster pace. Oh and don't forget resistance training. Weights are your friends! The more lean muscle you have, the more fat your body naturally burns all day long. And that is a beautiful thing!

Try this easy body resistance workout. It’ll take 5 minutes. Add it to your workout format:

  • 2 sets of 15-20 push ups
  • Full plank on hands and toes 30-60 second and immediately go into forearm plank for 30-60 seconds. Bonus if you go from Full plank to forearm plank without letting your knees hit the floor
  • 20 triceps dips