Saturday, March 10, 2012

Too Little To Weight

It seems like every time I teach a fitness class the same thing will happen. A lady will come in and pick up a set of 2lb weights and proceed to work large muscles of the body with them. She will do this over and over again and wonder why she isn’t any stronger, leaner, or why she isn’t getting in better shape.  Those super light weights she is using will never change her body. Basically you must challenge your body to do something it isn't currently capable of doing. Now, this doesn't mean you need to go outside and try to pick up a car. It just means you need to do things that are challenging for YOU.
A lot of women do workouts like this because they think they will get "big and bulky" like a guy. Here's the thing though, you CAN NOT get big and bulky like a guy. Don't get me wrong, sassy girls can definitely put on a good share of muscle, just not nearly as much or nearly as fast as a guy. It's just not our genetic makeup. What? What about the women who are indeed big and bulky like a guy? Well, guess what? They are using drugs and I suggest you do not partake in that.

When you advance to heavier weights you body is forced to adapt to the new work that it is asked to do. That means you will increase strength, endurance, flexibility, bone density, overall health. What is important to remember the body MUST be challenged to improve or else it will glady stay the same. As women don’t worry you are not just going to wake up the next day looking like a big female body builder. Muscle mass doesn’t happen that quickly!

Ladies, you need to push yourself...safely of course. You need to challenge your body. You need to do more than pick up the same little pink dumbbells and lift them for the same 15 reps for the same little isolation exercises.

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