Sunday, March 18, 2012

Food, Glorious Food

“There are no longer foods you don’t like.  There are only new foods you don’t know you like yet.”  This is my husbands new favorite saying. He has been pushing me to expand my interest in different kinds of foods for years now and finally I am giving in and trying to expand my horizons.
I grew up in a house where food wasn’t a thing of joy so much as something you have each day because you have to.  Cooking wasn’t an art it was a chore.  I grew up in the middle of the country where fresh seafood was never an option.  As a result dinners were bland and boring.  My palate was limited and my opinions on so many foods were negative.  As a result as an adult I have become a finicky eater with often times down right prejudiced opinions against some everyday foods such as peanut butter, yogurt and even pork chops.  
When I was in my early 20's I met my future hubby and let me tell you the man can cook. He introduced me to the way food was supposed to taste. It has been amazing and truly eye opening. My taste buds were constantly talking to me saying “Wait a sec this meal is actually good and I am actually enjoying eating.”
That being said it has been over ten years and I have only opened my mind and my mouth so far.  
Recently I’ve had to make a big change in my diet and that means I have to open myself up to trying new foods and expand my palette.
I talk all the time about pushing yourself to where you are uncomfortable in your workouts I figure I might as well do the same thing in my life when it comes to food.
My first mission All Natural Peanut Butter. The verdict....I enjoyed it. I tried sushi for the first time too! Guess what....I enjoyed that as well.
I’ve tried and enjoyed yogurt and a few other things.  Some things I still don’t like and that’s ok.  I don’t have to like everything but I am trying new things, stepping out of my comfort zone and my body is thanking me.  
Day by day I try new things and before you know it all the foods I had programmed my brain to dislike will become on my “will eat” list.
I encourage you to try a food you don’t normally eat. Maybe your sassy self will actually dig the taste!

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