Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Amazing ABs

There is nothing sassier than a firm and tight belly. It can be frustrating to achieve because so many of us go about it the wrong way. Friends and clients are always talking to me about their tummy area. Everyone wants to tone their “lower abs”. But to let you in on a little secret...referring to the “lower abs” is a myth. The rectus adbominus is all ONE muscle group that forms that enviable 6 pack. However, often instructors and trainers refer to the bottom section as the “lower abs” to keep it simple, when showing routines for this stubborn, hard-to-target area.  Yes to an extent you can isolate the lower ab region, but the other core muscles will be engage to assist the work. Be sure to work the lower back and hip muscles every single time you work your belly. If you don’t you will run the risk of injury. Not sassy! As a rule you should NEVER work your abs “cold.” Always, always warm up with at least 5-10 on the treadmill or elliptical. Maybe take an aerobic class before you begin toning your tummy.

If you feel pain in your lower back during any of the following exercises, please stop. You may be doing it wrong or the movement may not be safe for you. Ask a trainer for help if you have questions.
Here are a few of my favorite exercises for those awesome abs. Include them into your routine 3 times a week
Hip Thrusts
You may do this on a bench, holding the top or sides for support or lie on a mat with your hands placed at your sides, palms facing down. Either way, you will isolate the lower region of the rectus abdominus. Place your legs straight up in the air, with your toes pointing toward the ceiling and a very slight bend in the knee. Lift your hips straight up to the ceiling in a “thrusting” movement.  You are not rolling your pelvis area back and forth. Instead focus on lifting your hips in a vertical manner.  Exhale as you lift your hips and really tighten the region as you do so. Imagine there is a bulls eye right above you and you are reaching for the bulls eye with  your toes. You will feel the engagement of the lower portion of the abdominals quickly. Aim for 15-25 reps, 3 sets.
This one is so good for engaging the entire powerhouse. I love this exercise and I think you will too!
Lie on a mat with hands placed behind your head and your knees in the air bent at a 90-degree angle before beginning. Exhale as you straighten one leg toward the floor, keeping it only an inch or two above the floor to maximize isolation of your lower ab region. At the same time, turn your elbow and shoulder area toward the opposite knee, which is bent. Alternate the movement as you consciously contract your entire abdominal and oblique (waistline) area. Do not twist your neck, as that can strain the cervical (upper) part of the spine. You are turning your shoulder and elbow, not twisting your neck.

Remember to stretch after your workout. Pulling your knees into your chest for 45 seconds will feel heavenly. Take slow deep breaths. Then lengthen your arms above your head and outstretch your legs while you breathe deeply. Again, hold this stretch for about 45seconds.

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