Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sassy Quick Fix Plan

Summer is now in full swing and that means weekends full of BBQ’s, picnics in the park and ice cream. I don’t know about you, but one-too-many frozen drinks and veggie burgers can very easily wreck havoc on my waistline. I know most of my clients and friends want to find time to exercise, but are always blaming the lack of time to get moving. 
I know it can be hard to stick to a routine, but it will definitely be worth it to stay in sassy shape for the season.
My challenge for you over the next 6 weeks is to work out 3-4 times a week.

Here is a plan to help you on your way:
#1: Pick 4 days that you want to schedule time to work out. 30-60 minutes.
Now do it! Write it down so you don’t forget! You CAN NOT skip out because you don’t feel like pushing yourself. Fitness doesn’t just happen. You have to commit.

#2: Start with 10 minutes of aerobic activity.
Walking is great, you can do it in the hallway of your office building, apartment, local shopping mall. Hop on a treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical. Start off being able to carry on a conversation and gradually push yourself to the point where you notice your breathing but you can still give a short answer if someone were to ask you a question. You should be pushing yourself so that you can not have a marathon gossip session about the latest Bachelorette episode.

#3: Work your abs for 60 seconds
Lay on an exercise mat or the floor with your back flat, your knees bent to about a right angle, and your feet flat on the floor. Pull your chin to your chest and keep it there, and extend your arms and hands, with your fingers pointed toward the tops of your knees. Now slowly lift the shoulders off the mat four to six inches, bringing your hands to your knees, and come back down. That’s one; repeat for one minute.

#4 Build Bone Density and Rev up your Metabolism

Beginner: Use dumbbells to do these three moves, selecting the weight so that 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise is fatiguing.
1.                                 Perfect Pecs. Lay with your back flat on the floor and arms extended out to your sides, bent at a right angle at the elbow, forearms pointed toward the ceiling, hands holding dumbbells. Press the weights up toward the ceiling, fully extending arms, then lower. Do 10 to 15.
2.                                Bicep Bender. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight down at your sides, palms facing the body, holding dumbbells. Bend arms at the elbow, keeping upper arm still but raising the weight to the front of the shoulder. While lifting the weight, rotate to the palm of your hand faces up during the curl; slowly lower weight. Do 10 to 15 on each side, alternating.
3.                                Shoulder Shaper. Stand with arms straight down in front of you, palms facing together, holding dumbbells. Keeping elbows slightly bent, raise your arms straight out to your sides, so you look like a large letter “T;” slowly lower weight. Do 10 to 15 repetitions. (You might need to lower your weight load for this one. Try dropping down 3lbs )
Advanced: Eventually try building up to this one. Add these two moves to the above 3.
4.                                Pick Up-Pull-ups. Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width on a pull-up bar, palms facing forward. Pull your chin up to the height of the bar, and lower slowly. 5-15 repetitions.
5.                                Dips. Place hands on the seat part of a chair, with palms down and fingers facing you or if you have weak wrists make fists, supporting your upper body weight. Lower until elbows are at a right angle, then press back up. 10-15 repetitions.

#5: Stretch It Out: 3-5 minutes.
Sideways bend. Stand tall, feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips. Then reach up to the sky with the left hand, bend to the right from the waist, bringing the left hand and arm overhead and reaching to the right. Slowly return to start with hands on hips, then bring right hand up and lean and reach to the left. Continue alternating, reaching and leaning to the opposite side with each hand, with the arm fully extended, for 30 seconds.
Sit and reach. Sit upright on the floor with legs straight in front of you holding onto a rolled up towel or a strap. Extend your arms straight over head, reaching toward your toes hinging forward toward your tootsies, and gently lean forward keeping your spine as long as possible. At the last possible moment if you need a little help loop the strap around the arches of your feet. No collapsing into this position! You do not have to reach your toes—just stretch to the point that you feel a gentle tension, but no discomfort.  Hold for 30 seconds, and then relax. You’re done! Be proud of yourself for putting in the effort to take care of your body and your mind.

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