Saturday, July 30, 2011

Too Comfy?

In fitness as in life to succeed and to grow you must push yourself beyond your preconceived limits.

When working out, it’s totally normal to have a feeling of fear or concern. You don’t know if your body can handle the intensity or burn. You don’t want to get injured. But when you step outside the box amazing things will happen to your body. People tend to put false boundaries to what we can do.

 “I can’t” is only in your head. Usually what you tell yourself you can’t do is exactly what you should be doing to shake things up with your workouts.

The human body is amazing! We are so adaptable to so many different situations.  It is important to set new challenges from time to time.  If you consistently run around the lake for 2 miles your body gets used to it and you will stop seeing results like when you first began. More often than not most people workout just hard enough to maintain their existing body shape. When you push yourself past where you think you can go you will get stronger, faster, leaner. What you don’t have to do to achieve weight loss results is marry the gym.

Who wants to spend all day at the gym?  Sixty minutes will do the trick. Working out excessively is bad for you! The point is to keep adding new challenges and different ways of pushing past your limits for speed, distance and weight lifting.

Starting tomorrow try adding speed intervals on your treadmill workout, add some hills to your Elliptical routine, pick up a few pounds heavier when you do Bicep Curls.  My previous posts will give you some workout ideas to try. Give them a go and remember the most important thing is to mix it up!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sneaky Ways You Can Improve Your Diet

I’ve been thinking a lot about how fickle American’s are. We tend to jump on the trend wagon so much we’ve almost broken a leg trying to hop on board. One minute we eat low carb until we are so weak we struggle to get up from the couch and the next minute we reduce the fat in our diets too much that we eat so many refined carbs. What is the outcome of all of these nutrition trends? Lounging on the couch eating Oreos while watching reruns of Glee. Here are a few easy ideas to keep your diet on the right track.
Eat organic or grass fed meat and poultry.
Yes it is a tad more expensive but the pros outweigh the cons by a long shot. Stocking up on proteins will keep you satiated, boost your metabolism, help prevent diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis, and provide you with high quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. It’s important to know that processed meats are high in belly bloating sodium and additives.

Snack on fresh, raw tree nuts.
Tree nuts like almonds, pecans, filberts (hazelnuts), walnuts, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, and pistachios are awesome for protecting your heart because they contain the mineral magnesium.  Peanuts and cashews are not on the list because they aren’t tree nuts but legumes. Bummer huh? Try to avoid nuts that are salted and cooked in unhealthy oils, eat raw nuts instead.

Use some EVOO (extra virgin olive oil).
Limit vegetable oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, canola (rapeseed) oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, and sunflower oil, as well as margarine, shortening, and mayonnaise. They all have nasty trans fats in them. Not good for your heart and your belt size.

With just a few simple changes in your diet you can keep your body and mind super sassy!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Too Hot To Handle

It’s hot outside! I know finding the motivation to leave the house to exercise can be a task. Thankfully there are tons of things to do around your house in the exercise department. First know that in the summer it’s super important to try to workout during the coolest times of the day. Remember that the hottest times of the day are usually between 3 and 5 PM. If the only time you can squeeze in exercise is during the day and it has to be outside, try to find a place that has a suitable amount of shade so you can avoid those harmful UV rays. Wearing a hat can help protect your eyes, ears and scalp. And don't forget the sunscreen! It’s a sassy girl’s friend!
Here is a 20 minute plan you can do in the comfort of your airconditioned house. Try doing it 2x per day. Once in the morning and then again at night.

1.                  March or Jog in place
Goal: 3 minutes
Simple light jogging on the spot, marching or jumping jacks will do the job. You are just warming up here so don’t worry if you aren’t into jumping around. You just need to move your body and get the blood flowing. Dance around if you so wish. Just shake your groove thing for 3 minutes.
2.                  Jumping jacks
Goal: 25 times
It’s a total old school move but it works. Jacks are a great cardio move! Protect your knee joint by bending your knees just slightly when you land.
3.                  Abdominal Curl
15 repititions
Lie flat on your back with your knees bent.  Notice there is a natural curve to your spine. Do your best not to change the shape of your back. Popping up and down is not great for your body. Place your hands at the sides of your head with your fingers lightly touching your temples, with elbows pointing outwards. Flex your waist to raise the head neck and shoulders up off the floor so that you are “crunching” your abdominals hold for a second. Then lower yourself until the back of your shoulders touches the mat before repeating.
4.                  Step ups
Repeat 30-45 seconds on each leg
You can use the bottom step of a stair case or a strudy step stool for this one. Start by standing tall in front of the step and step up onto it. Keep your abs engaged, spine neutral, shoulders back and don’t forget to breathe. Do this move for one minute leading with the Left leg then switch legs for another minute.
5.                  Below the belt reverse ab curls
15 times
Lie on your back with your hands on your sides. Keep you knees bent. Bring your knees towards your head, till your hips come slightly off the floor. Hold this position for a second, and then lower your knees.
6.                  Mountain climbers
Goal: 1 minute
Get down on your hands and knees and raise your knees like a starting block sprinter. Run in that position, supporting your upper body with the palms of your hands. Keep your back straight, shoulders back, abs tight and breathe!
7.                  Push–ups: 15 repeats
15 times
You have 2 choices for this one. Full Form or Modified (knees bend and on the floor. Make sure you are off the bony part of your knees by brining the feet close to your butt). Place your palms flat on the floor, fingers spread and pointing forward, about shoulder width apart.
8. Squat thrusts
 Goal: 1 minute
Stand straight. Now, drop to a crouch position (think of a Cat ready to attack). Immediately thrust your legs out straight behind on your toes, in push up position, now jump to pull legs back to the chest, in crouching position, then stand up straight.
Now it’s time to bring it down a notch. Let your heart rate return to normal but don’t just sit down on the couch and watch a rerun of Ellen. Walk around so your blood doesn’t just pool in your limbs. About 2-3 minutes.
Try using this routine 3 times a week. You can do it once or use it as a circuit routine and repeat the entire series 2 times through without stopping. Following this routine will help you to be a lean mean fat burning machine.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Lose 30 Pounds In 30 Days

“Lose 30 pounds in 30 days!"

We have all seen commercials offering us a flatter belly, rapid weight loss and increased stamina.  Sounds great right? Well actually the results are unrealistic and the products are junk.  Think about it if the grapefruit diet really worked wouldn’t they have made a much bigger deal about it.  Lots of quick fix products on the market cause serious problems like kidney failure, heart problems and even premature osteoporosis. Not sassy at all! It’s so upsetting that smart people can fall for these promises. Tempted to try one of these diets? Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t:
1. Osteoporosis. High-protein diets, such as the Atkins diet, have been shown to increase calcium excretion. Over time, premature osteoporosis can develop and lead to a higher chance of broken bones while training.  Weak bones are definitely not sassy. 
2. Kidney failure. Consuming too much protein increases susceptibility to kidney disease. Both the American Heart Association and American Cancer Society recommend a diet including only 10% to 15% of calories derived from protein. The Zone recommends 30%!  Sitting at a dialysis machine for the rest of your life because you bought into a fad diet is definitely not sassy.
3. Ketosis. Ketosis is a dangerous metabolic state in which your body burns fat and protein instead of glucose. Proponents of low-carbohydrate diets actually promote ketosis as a wonderful benefit of the plan. This condition can eventually cause organs to fail and lead to side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, irritability, and headaches -- all of which minimize performance.  Although ketosis sounds like a sassy dance club, suffering from its effects is decidedly unsassy.
4. Insomnia. Both fad diets and associated products can interrupt normal sleep patterns. Inadequate rest can bring about accidents during a workout due to exhaustion or weakness. Insomnia sufferers may have impaired concentration and decreased ability to accomplish daily tasks, let alone strenuous workouts. A sassy girls best friend is a good night sleep.
5. Loss of muscle mass. Any diet that claims that "in just 48 hours you will lose up to 10 pounds" is going to hurt you. This “effortless” diet can lead to very insufficient calorie intake. The outcome is loss of water, muscle, and organ tissue with little to no fat loss. This promise they are making is trouble. You are lowering your metabolism so you will be inefficiently working. Building muscle is going to be extremely difficult. Without muscle in your body your body will not be a fat burning machine. 
6. Dehydration. High protein intake causes excess urination resulting in dehydration. Dehydration impairs temperature regulation so your body is unable to cool itself efficiently, thus decreasing stamina and increasing recovery time. Severe dehydration jeopardizes mental concentration, muscular strength, physical work capacity, and increases the threat of heat exhaustion.  Do you know what’s not sassy?  Bug eyes and cottonmouth. 
7. Increased risk of injury. Nutrient and caloric deficiencies can decrease alertness and stamina, enhancing your risk of injury. A less obvious cause of injury is the caffeine, ephedrine, or other stimulants that many diet aids contain. These elements create a false perception of increased energy, causing you to push yourself harder than you should, potentially harming joints or muscles. Since 1994, the FDA has received more than 800 reports of serious adverse effects associated with use of products containing ephedrine, such as Metabolife 356.  Be careful out there, ladies.
8. Nutritional imbalances. Diets like Sugar Busters! And Atkins suggest avoiding certain foods, including potatoes, rice, and carrots, all of which are packed with nutrition. An imbalanced diet that lacks key nutrients will prevent you from performing at your peak.  Strange restrictions as to what you can eat are also a reason that most fad diets fail.
9. Reduced endurance. With most quick weight loss plans, glycogen and water are the first materials to be depleted. This deficit can be disastrous to performance and health, as you will lose energy to power muscles, leading to fatigue and lethargy.  Sassy and peppy go hand in hand. 
10. Compromised immunity. Nutritional deficiencies can make you drastically more vulnerable to both minor and major illnesses. These sick days equate to loss of conditioning, missed trainings and skipped events. Many supplements claiming to be "herbal" or "natural," may also interfere with certain medications. Just because something is all-natural does not mean it is safe. After all, cyanide occurs naturally. 
Yes you may lose weight at first with these fad diets but the weight loss is temporary! You’ll gain it back and may gain serious problems at the same time. I know I sound like a broken record because I say it all the time but just reducing your calorie intake and increased physical activity will do the trick.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sassy Quick Fix Plan

Summer is now in full swing and that means weekends full of BBQ’s, picnics in the park and ice cream. I don’t know about you, but one-too-many frozen drinks and veggie burgers can very easily wreck havoc on my waistline. I know most of my clients and friends want to find time to exercise, but are always blaming the lack of time to get moving. 
I know it can be hard to stick to a routine, but it will definitely be worth it to stay in sassy shape for the season.
My challenge for you over the next 6 weeks is to work out 3-4 times a week.

Here is a plan to help you on your way:
#1: Pick 4 days that you want to schedule time to work out. 30-60 minutes.
Now do it! Write it down so you don’t forget! You CAN NOT skip out because you don’t feel like pushing yourself. Fitness doesn’t just happen. You have to commit.

#2: Start with 10 minutes of aerobic activity.
Walking is great, you can do it in the hallway of your office building, apartment, local shopping mall. Hop on a treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical. Start off being able to carry on a conversation and gradually push yourself to the point where you notice your breathing but you can still give a short answer if someone were to ask you a question. You should be pushing yourself so that you can not have a marathon gossip session about the latest Bachelorette episode.

#3: Work your abs for 60 seconds
Lay on an exercise mat or the floor with your back flat, your knees bent to about a right angle, and your feet flat on the floor. Pull your chin to your chest and keep it there, and extend your arms and hands, with your fingers pointed toward the tops of your knees. Now slowly lift the shoulders off the mat four to six inches, bringing your hands to your knees, and come back down. That’s one; repeat for one minute.

#4 Build Bone Density and Rev up your Metabolism

Beginner: Use dumbbells to do these three moves, selecting the weight so that 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise is fatiguing.
1.                                 Perfect Pecs. Lay with your back flat on the floor and arms extended out to your sides, bent at a right angle at the elbow, forearms pointed toward the ceiling, hands holding dumbbells. Press the weights up toward the ceiling, fully extending arms, then lower. Do 10 to 15.
2.                                Bicep Bender. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight down at your sides, palms facing the body, holding dumbbells. Bend arms at the elbow, keeping upper arm still but raising the weight to the front of the shoulder. While lifting the weight, rotate to the palm of your hand faces up during the curl; slowly lower weight. Do 10 to 15 on each side, alternating.
3.                                Shoulder Shaper. Stand with arms straight down in front of you, palms facing together, holding dumbbells. Keeping elbows slightly bent, raise your arms straight out to your sides, so you look like a large letter “T;” slowly lower weight. Do 10 to 15 repetitions. (You might need to lower your weight load for this one. Try dropping down 3lbs )
Advanced: Eventually try building up to this one. Add these two moves to the above 3.
4.                                Pick Up-Pull-ups. Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width on a pull-up bar, palms facing forward. Pull your chin up to the height of the bar, and lower slowly. 5-15 repetitions.
5.                                Dips. Place hands on the seat part of a chair, with palms down and fingers facing you or if you have weak wrists make fists, supporting your upper body weight. Lower until elbows are at a right angle, then press back up. 10-15 repetitions.

#5: Stretch It Out: 3-5 minutes.
Sideways bend. Stand tall, feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips. Then reach up to the sky with the left hand, bend to the right from the waist, bringing the left hand and arm overhead and reaching to the right. Slowly return to start with hands on hips, then bring right hand up and lean and reach to the left. Continue alternating, reaching and leaning to the opposite side with each hand, with the arm fully extended, for 30 seconds.
Sit and reach. Sit upright on the floor with legs straight in front of you holding onto a rolled up towel or a strap. Extend your arms straight over head, reaching toward your toes hinging forward toward your tootsies, and gently lean forward keeping your spine as long as possible. At the last possible moment if you need a little help loop the strap around the arches of your feet. No collapsing into this position! You do not have to reach your toes—just stretch to the point that you feel a gentle tension, but no discomfort.  Hold for 30 seconds, and then relax. You’re done! Be proud of yourself for putting in the effort to take care of your body and your mind.

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Toughest Client

The other day at the gym a member said to me, "My wife is fat. How do I get her to exercise?"
I was dumbfounded! I couldn’t speak. Well, obviously he’s a sweet, sweet man. They must have a healthy marriage.

It can be a stressful on a relationship when one person is into physical fitness and the other is not. I know this first hand. My hubbs is not into working out the way I am.  I’ve given it the ole college try too many times to count. I actually personally trained him. And he saw results fast. Awesome right? Well, you would think that toning up, losing fat and strengthen your heart would encourage him to continue working out. (Plus he lives with a personal trainer so he didn’t have to leave the living room.) Well, that lasted approximately 6 weeks. He refuses to work out with me now. It sucks when I can’t make him do what I want, but I will forever keep trying. If you too have a partner who is less than trilled to exercise here are some ways to gently guide them to the activity path:

                Use Sensitive Support: Maybe have a post dinner walk multiple times a week. It’s a great way to schedule time together and burn calories.
                Spice it up: I know from experience bouncing into the family room crying out loudly, “Let’s go to the gym and do some sprints on the treadmill!” doesn’t do the trick. Maybe gently suggesting doing something that they will like. Take a bike ride together, play a little basketball, or a game of catch. Make it about you two being together not exercise.
                Honesty is the best policy: Instead of throwing a sissy fit that your partner is not listening to you, talk to them. Let him/her know why you want them to workout. Like living a long healthy life together. You never know it just may work.
                Recruit them: My hubby sometimes does what I want when I make him think it’s his idea. If I want to workout outdoors I suggest he come with me because there is safety in numbers. If you do this though make sure not to be lazy you have to really workout like you mean it. Let your partner know you need his/her help to get them up and moving.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Muffin Tops, What Your Baker Doesn't Want You To Know

Muffin Top. The "red headed step child" of the abs  It’s the flabby section on the sides of your abdomen that hang over your pants. It’s an annoying area and can be oh so hard to get rid of. The official term is your obliques and is often over looked when it comes to exercising the abs.
Aerobics is a good place to start if you want to trim your waistline. 30-45 minutes 3 to 4 times a week. As I’ve said before in previous posts spot training won’t work because you need to boost your metabolism to burn your love handles. You have to train your entire body before you start to see results.
Start a cardio exercise program at your home. Aerobics DVDs, outdoor workouts or walking are great ideas. You can do basic crunches but I suggest you do some other exercises that will help tone the entire core.

Leg Flutters

When I train people I always focus on the back. In order to tone the middle you need to strengthen your back. This creates a balance in your torso and reduces the fat on your back.
1. Lie on your stomach and lift your head up slightly
2. You can keep your arms straight out at your sides or bend them with your elbows resting beside you.
3. Lift your feet and knees off the floor and flutter your legs rapidly back and forth. Do this for 20 seconds. Take a 20 second break and then repeat again.

Twist Crunches

This exercise is great for your obliques and the center of your abdominal wall. You kill two birds with one stone with this one
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent.
2. Carefully lift your head, neck and shoulders up off the floor and very lightly place your hands behind your head.
3. Twist to the right bringing your left elbow to your right knee. Extend your left leg out.
4. Now twist back to the left bringing your right elbow to your left knee. Extend your right leg out.
5. Repeat 25 times.

Standing Trunk Twists

This is one of my favorite exercises to give clients. It gets your heart rate up and helps you to burn calories.
1. Stand with your feet about a foot apart and knees relaxed.
2. Twist your torso to the left while keeping your hips and legs as stable as possible. As you twist to the left, cross your right arm in front of your body in a punching motion.
3. Twist back to the right and cross your left arm over your body in a punching motion.
4. Do 100 reps.

The Bottom Line:

You need to start increasing your body’s metabolism by exercising 30-45mintues 3-4 times a week. This does not only include crunches, sit ups, etc but aerobic-type exercises that will get your heart rate up. Add these moves to your routine and you'll see super sassy results in no time!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Calorie Conscious Cocktail

Late night last night at my BFF’s birthday party.  Frozen Margarita’s were amazing!  They used real strawberries!  But today I am suffering the consequences.  Belly bloat, headache, all in all I’m feeling pretty gross. I’m not hung over from the alcohol.  My hangover is from the calories in that frozen concoction that helps me hang on.
 Strawberry Margaritas! I really love to have one once in a while.   But all of the calories aren’t worth it. After doing a little experimenting at home I have found a fun low calorie cocktail that tastes like candy. SCORE!
Here is my low cal cocktail of choice this summer:
I mix 1 ounce vodka with Fresca and one pack of Crystal Light Fruit Punch or Cherry Limeade.
 I pour it over crushed ice and it really hits the spot in the summer.
If you are looking for a fruity refresher or ways to make your cocktail of choice more calorie friendly try adding fresh fruit so you can cut down on the sugar in the receipe. You can even use Stevia instead of sugar, then there's even less calories!
Remember to drink responsibly. It’s so NOT sassy to drink and drive.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Simple steps to a skinny self

Why is it so hard to lose weight? Well most quick weight loss plans work about as well as a hole in a pretty umbrella. You hope it does the job but really all you end up with is a wet party dress and frizzy hair. Even the least sassy among us know that a proper diet and regular exercise is the best way to stay healthy and look fab. Yet still we (myself included) look for shortcuts and fad diets.
Here are some one of a kind tips that I use to keep a handle on the number on the scale:
Forgo the gym
 Yep I said it. I realize not everyone loves the place so if you hate the venue don’t go. Instead, do activities you love to do like hiking, dancing to your favorite Katy Perry songs (love the T.G.I. F song) , taking care of the lawn, basically do anything that gets you moving and grooving. You just want to burn calories and get your heart elevated. Having fun is an added perk! Plus the more you enjoy it the greater the chances you’ll do it again and again
Eat your favorite foods 
If you enjoy cream sauces on your pasta, continue to eat it, but cut the amount of butter you use in half and use heart healthy olive oil for the other half.  Love Baked Goods? Try substituting honey or molasses for when the recipe calls for sugar. Keep your eyes out for ways you can make your dish “light.” Your taste buds won’t notice the missing calories but your waistline sure will.
Condense Trick your mind into thinking that you are eating more. Try serving your meals on smaller plates. You will take your time eating and get to experience your meal. Additionally you will give your body time to record that you are full.
There are lots of ways to keep from vegging on the couch. Get out and go! Most of the good TV shows are on reruns anyway so you have no excuse! Your heart and your midsection will love you!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bootylicious Backside

As a personal trainer the first question I ask a new client is what part of your body to you want firmer? 9 times out of 10 people will respond “my butt!” Well genetics play a large roll so you can thank mom for that one, but exercises can do wonders for your tush! Since the exercises for lifting a floppy bottom or adding a little oomph to a flat backside are the same you must take into account the amount of weight/resistance and number of reps you complete.

There are lots of cardio based activities that focus on your bum and also challenges your heart. Plus they burn oodles of calories.  Step aerobics, stair stepper, elliptical trainer, recumbent bike, walking uphill and roller-blading to name a few are great for challenging your rump and heart. To add more bulk to your backside increase the resistance on the stepper or recumbent bike, but if you only want to define, keep your resistance moderate.

Since the glutes are a large muscle group you will eventually have to lift a fairly heavy amount of weight to get the job done. Some of the best exercises are compound exercises meaning they involve other major muscles. An example would be squats and lunges. If you are looking to lift your booty squats and lunges are your best friends. Be sure not to lift heavy go for lots of reps (15-20). Targeting the buttocks and hamstrings by performing isolating exercises is a great way to tune into your rear (lifting your leg behind you or lifting your body upward from a bent-knee position). Be sure to protect your back by pulling the abs in and start the squeeze for your butt before you lift the leg backward. Your range of motion can be small. It doesn’t have to be big to be effective! It’s also important to work against momentum. Don’t let gravity to the work for you. Slow and steady wins the race!
Eating sensibly and exercising regularly can help to reduce your hips and hindquarters. Be realistic and accept that your butt may be a little plumper than you’d like. Think JLO or Kim Kardashian they are beautiful women with a little junk in the trunk and they As a personal trainer the first question I ask a new client is what part of your body to you want firmer? 9 times out of 10 people will respond “my butt!” Well genetics play a large roll so you can thank mom for that one, but exercises can do wonders for your tush! Since the exercises for lifting a floppy bottom or adding a little oomph to a flat backside are the same you must take into account the amount of weight/resistance and number of reps you complete.

There are lots of cardio based activities that focus on your bum and also challenges your heart. Plus they burn oodles of calories.  Step aerobics, stair stepper, elliptical trainer, recumbent bike, walking uphill and roller-blading to name a few are great for challenging your rump and heart. To add more bulk to your backside increase the resistance on the stepper or recumbent bike, but if you only want to define, keep your resistance moderate.

Since the glutes are a large muscle group you will eventually have to lift a fairly heavy amount of weight to get the job done. Some of the best exercises are compound exercises meaning they involve other major muscles. An example would be squats and lunges. If you are looking to lift your booty squats and lunges are your best friends. Be sure not to lift heavy go for lots of reps (15-20). Targeting the buttocks and hamstrings by performing isolating exercises is a great way to tune into your rear (lifting your leg behind you or lifting your body upward from a bent-knee position). Be sure to protect your back by pulling the abs in and start the squeeze for your butt before you lift the leg backward. Your range of motion can be small. It doesn’t have to be big to be effective! It’s also important to work against momentum. Don’t let gravity to the work for you. Slow and steady wins the race!
Eating sensibly and exercising regularly can help to reduce your hips and hindquarters. Be realistic and accept that your butt may be a little plumper than you’d like. Think JLO or Kim Kardashian they are beautiful women with a little junk in the trunk and they seem to be ok.

Here are some exercises that can help:
·        One legged squat
·        Reverse lunges
·        Wall sit (30sec to 1 min)
·        All 4s single leg lift
·        Hip lifts
·        Perform 15-20 repetitions per side for each exercise.seem to be ok.