Sunday, June 2, 2013

Proof Isn't Always In The Perspiration

How much you sweat during your workout doesn’t necessarily mean you are getting the best results. Your form is most important. You can get an awesome workout if you follow the following tips. You’ll be less likely to strain or sprain your body.

Keep your face relaxed and tension-free. Scrunching up your face is not going to make the exercise easier.
Keep your gaze at eye level to prevent neck strain
Relax your hunched shoulders.
Lengthen your spine. Imagine a string pulling the top of your head up to the ceiling to improve your posture.
Tighten your abs. Strong abs help support your lower back.
Don't lock your knees. Keep knees slightly bent. Also, keep your toes lined up to prevent overstressing your knees.
Breathe. Count reps out loud to avoid holding your breath. As you inhale, relax your lower abs and fill your chest. As you exhale, suck in your abs to force air out.

This tip is for those of you that workout often and are stronger. Don’t plateau. With cardio, go a little longer. With weights, add more reps or use slightly heavier weights in your weight training routine. Again, slightly. Use proper form to stay injury-free.