Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fight The Afternoon Munchies

Do you tend to get a snack attack every afternoon? Need some willpower to fend off the attack? Add This to Lunch to Beat Afternoon Munchies: chickpeas.

Hummus on your sandwich or garbanzo beans on your salad. It's your choice of how you add about half a cup of filling fiber chickpeas to your daily diet to cut cravings for salty, sugary, and fatty snacks.
AND eating chickpeas improves your bathroom habits -- more frequent and easier bowel movements. If you decide to add more chickpeas to your diet, do so gradually to help reduce the chance of any gastrointestinal discomfort from a sudden increase in fiber.

Oh, and chickpeas may help with the following:

A. Step over La Mer. Minerals found in chickpeas may help keep skin smooth.

B. They can help you manage your memory. You'll be less likely to "forget" things.