Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Do you have shoulders that are rounded because of poor posture? A sassy girl stands up straight and here are some daily habits you can do everyday to fix your posture!

1. Stand in a doorway with your arms on each side, elbows bent and step forward slightly one foot, back then other foot back and slowly stretch the pecs and chest to open. Feels great. Breathe fully. Don't over do it.

2. When standing anywhere, clasp your hands together behind your lower back and stand like that while you talk or wait in line etc. This opens the chest and forces you to pull your shoulders back and over a period of time will train your pecs to be longer and your back and scapular muscles to be shorter. Breathe fully into the chest and hold the head tall with chin pulled back but not down. Ear lobe should line up with center of shoulder when standing tall.

3. Go to a chiro or osteopath and ask them to put you into your correct posture so you have a felt sense of how far you need to go.

4. Just like anything else it’s important to be consistent and patient. It takes years and years to develop poor posture so it will take some time (many months) to correct it because many changes in both large and tiny muscles are involved.