Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ways A Sassy Girl Can Stay Slim

You've done it! After all of your hard work and dedication you've lost weight! Now you can't just slack off and expect the weight to stay off. You must mind your mouth! These simple ideas will help your sassy jeans stay zipped so you can look funky fresh wearing them!

Be nice to yourself and plan to fail
Nothing worth having comes easy. Life has many bends and bumps so the best thing you can do for yourself is come up with a contingency plan. You will be able to adapt to the unexpected. And it will happen. When it does, you will get back on track, pronto! Remember to be successful you have to be persistent.

Baby Steps
One minor gesture will make you more likely to stick to your plan. Maybe throw out unhealthy foods in your cabinets, or buy a pedometer. Why stop at one small thing when you can commit to two? Like doubling your veggie intake per day. Do one small thing and that will make it easy to do two.

Don’t obsess with the number on the scale
Natural fluctuations occur for everyone ex: more sodium intake, that time of the month, etc. The number on the scale is just that...a number. Probably some arbitrary number at that! I suggest picking a range to shoot for instead of a certain number. Pick a range that is comfortable for you. It will help with feeling like a success or a failure.

And the most important rule

Consume whole foods and products with short ingredient list. Basically if you can't pronounce an ingredient you should not be putting that in your body, so DO NOT eat it! What you do decide to eat I suggest you practice portion control. There is no need to go hog wild. You will eat again so don't go all Homer Simpson and stuff your face. Also try to eat less red meat, increase your produce intake and eat more whole grains.