Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mid Afternoon Motivation

It’s been a long day. You’ve worked all day and had to put up with difficult coworkers and a demanding boss. Your body is out of steam. You have every intention of going to the gym but somehow you’ve ended up in line at Chipotle again. Why is this? Probably because the last time you ate was at lunch time and that was 6 hours ago. You are running on empty. How can you fix this so your backside doesn’t end up as big as that burrito you are ordering for the 3rd time this week? Easy. Here are some tips to help you stay alert and keep you away from a fast food joint and get your booty into the gym.
    • Eat 2 hours before you leave the office. 400-500 calories will do.  For example: fruit with a whole grain English muffin or yogurt and string cheese or a Luna bar and a piece of fruit
    • Cut back on your White carbs (flour, sugar, white bread) and substitute with vegetables, which are higher in water and nutrients. Do this all day, everyday.
    • Sip H2O from morning until night to help you make smarter food choices and prevent you from digging into the candy jar mid day and it keeps your metabolism up!
With a little bit of effort you will won’t just magically end up online at BK instead of spending time at the gym.

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