Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Whittle Your Middle

Every mother I’ve talked to always wants to get her belly back after giving birth. Most people just spend their time doing endless crunches. That actually can be the worst move you can make because crunches only hit one abdominal area when the abs are made up of many. The most overstretched area during pregnancy is the rectus abdominis so doing only crunches won’t give you the results you need.  Lots of crunches will put stress on your lower back and will only be great for the business of your chiropractor but not so great for the delicate ab muscles.
Even if your baby is now a kid or if you’ve never had a child everyone can benefit from a mix of ab toning moves. Try to add some of these moves to your abdominal plan.  Try it three times a week and your belly will be fab in no time!

Single-Leg Plank: Come into upper push-up position with your hands beneath your shoulders, feet together. Curl your toes so that some of your weight is on the back of them. Keeping abs tight and tailbone straight, lift one leg a few inches off the floor and point your toes; hold for five seconds and release. Repeat with the opposite leg to complete the set. Do 5 to 8 sets
Crunch it Sassy Style: Lie on your back with your knees bent and shoulder-width apart, feet flat on the floor, and your hands behind your head. Scoop your belly in and curl your shoulders off the mat. Hold there for 5 counts, then exhale as you slowly lower yourself back down onto the floor. Do 5 to 10 reps.

Crunch with Rotation: Come into the same starting position as you did for the quarter curl. As you exhale and lift your shoulders off the mat, twist your torso to the left and bring your left elbow toward your right knee; look toward your right elbow. Hold for 5 counts, then inhale as you return to center without letting your shoulders rest on the mat. Exhale, then twist to the opposite side to complete the set. Do 5 to 8 sets

Toe Taps: Lie faceup on the floor with your legs in tabletop position (knees bent at a 90-degree angle with feet off the floor), palms facedown by your sides. Tighten your abs and exhale as you lower your right foot to the floor, keeping knee bent. Inhale, then exhale as you return your right leg to starting position in 4 counts. Tap 5 times with each leg.

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