Sunday, March 4, 2018

Fitness is a mind game

Setting new goals doesn't do much good unless you change your mindset. Changing your mindset can help you to reach your goals. Try putting some energy into reframing the way you think. This can be very powerful when working on dieting and exercising.

Start Small

A big goal is great but I suggest you focus on the types of goals you choose to work towards. That way you don't get frustrated easily if the goals are too difficult or take too long to accomplish. It is better to set small goals for yourself. You can even set a variety of goals. For example, perhaps your weekly goal is to get to the gym 2 times. If you do more than that, you will feel even better. Little by little, you will get to where you want to be without feeling too overwhelmed.

Listen to Your Body

This is a big one. Your body is really great at talking to you and letting you know what's up! When it comes to both eating and exercising, you should listen to your body to tell you what it can and can’t handle. Know that when it comes to your diet that  some foods are better for your particular body than others. Pay attention to how your body feels when it comes to eating certain foods or doing certain exercises. When you workout listen to your body to help ensure you don’t suffer injury.

Write Your Goals Down

This has been so beneficial for me, only because they become more real. To see your goal written down can be very motivating. You can also leave your goal somewhere you will see it every day. This will be a good reminder of what you have to work towards. On the fridge has worked for me because I see it every morning when I open the fridge to get out my Britta filtered water.

Celebrate Success

Each day, you should celebrate some kind of success. Reflection is a natural and healthy part of life. It is always a good idea to think about one thing that went well with your day and one thing that you can continue to work on. Celebrating small accomplishments will make you feel more successful and can help to boost your confidence. This will help you meet your fitness goals.

Reaching your fitness goals by changing your mindset is key. Know that isn’t easy and doesn’t happen overnight, but with the right tools, you can do it. You will see results if you change your mindset!
In Health,

*the above picture is from a video shoot I did recently for barre where I was the lead instructor. I set the goal and wrote it down. I made it happen. 

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