Saturday, September 30, 2017

HIIT on a bike

If you haven’t been living under a rock, I’m sure you have heard of High Intensity Interval Training – otherwise known as HIIT. It seems like it’s the workout that everyone is talking about. A HIIT workout requires you to do short and intensive workouts. Think 30 seconds of all out activity.  These workouts are proven to help massively improve people’s aerobic fitness and muscle mass. Not only that, but because the exercises you are doing are high intensity you can complete them faster – which gives you more time to go to brunch!
Doing HIIT on a bike can be challenging. Not everyone wants to jump around but a lot of people want to do a HIIT workout on a stationary bike. I got you covered. Here is an idea.  Remember to warm up (including stretches) before you start.

30 Second Bursts
Easy to explain, you get on your bike and after a minute cycling at your own pace, go as fast (and as hard) as you can for 30 seconds.
Once the 30 seconds are up go back to your normal pace (this is your rest) for 60 seconds, then do 30 seconds all-out pedaling again.
Repeat this process four times – this will be considered as one interval.
To complete the exercise, do three intervals with a four-minute easy pedaling between each one to cool down.
If you’re finding it too easy/difficult then adjust the rest period by 30 seconds – 30 second rest for difficulty/90 seconds rest for ease.
In Health, Jessica Bailey

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