Friday, February 17, 2017

Take care of your neck and shoulder pain

I know a lot of people have neck and shoulder pain frequently. The good news is they’re not usually a major cause for concern. Sadly, the quality of life suffers. If you get neck and shoulder pain, don't hesitate to take matters into your own hands. Over the years I have found what works for me so I thought I'd share them with you! They are super simple but effective self-care tips.
Relieve The Pain
To help with the pain you might want to stay from anything stronger than ibuprofen. Ibuprofen only helps with mild aching and soreness. Try using Bio Freeze. It's a pain-suppressing gel that you apply to the skin over the affected area. I like the gel. It has a cooling effect but doesn't smell like some other products. Make sure you are always following the dosage instructions provided with the treatments. Especially if you are taking a pill.
Another pain lowering treatment is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Available from pharmacies, TENS machines work by delivering small electrical impulses to the parts of your body that are sore. These impulses, which you should feel as a mild tingling sensation, are passed from electrodes that you attach to your skin. They offer relief by disrupting the pain signals that would normally travel to your brain and spinal cord. The devices also trigger the release of endorphins, which are the body’s own natural painkillers that help to reduce discomfort.

Sleeping Beauty

How you sleep is important. First, don't watch TV in bed. A lot of people use too many pillows to prop themselves up to see the television. This can cause your neck to bend too much, putting pressure on this part of your body. Instead, try resting your head on one low, firm pillow.

Gentle Exercises will help

I'll just state the obvious, overdo it when you exercise. Some gentle exercises could help. For example, if your neck is stiff, sit propped up on something, I like to use a yoga block, drop your ear to your shoulder and hold for 20 seconds, then turn your nose toward your shoulder, like you are smelling your armpit and hold for 20 seconds, last on a diagonal lift your chin and hold for 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side. Remember to keep moving the affected joints to help ensure they don’t seize up.
These self-help techniques should reduce your pain and speed up your recovery. However, if your condition hasn’t improved after a few weeks, you suspect the problem could have a serious cause or regular painkillers aren’t controlling your discomfort, you may benefit from arranging an appointment with your doctor.
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