Monday, December 26, 2016

Making real resolutions for 2017

New year, new you. Is that really a positive resolution? I know, I know, you are scrambling to come up with an amazing New Year's resolution, right? You probably have plans and goals for 2017 but changes must be made so "new year, new you" sounds great! It seems so simple, doesn't it? Make a to-do list, and you have 365 days to complete it. I think we all can agree revamping your entire life is HARD, very HARD.
I think that New Year's resolutions are great. They get you into a positive mindset that gives you a fresh start and a determined outlook on the shiny new year. Sadly, most people lose sight of their goals by Valentine's Day. This got me thinking, Let's make a list of resolutions being really honest with ourselves. I'll go first.  They aren't your typical "I'm gonna get bikini-ready by March" they are little embarrassing to share.  But, I know I'm not alone. The best thing about my resolutions "list" is that these resolutions are easy to accomplish because they aren't that far out of reach. Go ahead and make your list too!

1. I will not binge watch KEEPING UP WITH THE KARDASHIANS, KHOLE AND KOURTNEY TAKE MIAMI, NEW YORK, ETC because I am bored and there is "nothing" to watch

Yes, this show is trashy, mindless, and utterly fantastic. But, watching mindless bickering between siblings over who gets to purchase a new mansion will leave you mildly brain dead. You don't have to give them all up, but maybe not watching EVERY spin off of KUWTK will make you feel a little better.

2. I will know what is going on in the world all the time so I can contribute to conversations about the topic.

I know I'm not alone.  You're at a party and your friends start talking about a recent news update on a long-running story that you didn't pay much attention to in the beginning, so you smile and nod and excuse yourself to go to the restroom to get out of the conversation. It's totally cool.  Now, just take the time and get yourself up-to-speed on what's going on.
I read theSkimm everyday. It gives you a brief summary of what you should know.  I recommend. Use this link to sign up!

3. I will not rely takeout aka Grubhub when my husband doesn't cook for me.

I eat pretty clean most of the time but after a long day if dinner isn't ready or cooking for me, I order delivery. I vow to only order from GrubHub once or twice a month instead of being lazy and ordering like 4 times a month. My bank account will like this change too!
I can't remember not doing this. I know I have made some major improvements and it makes me happy to see my results but really it's sad that it's almost natural for us to look in the mirror and feel bad about what we see. It's crazy! Where is the girl that is kicking ass on a daily basis? I'm going to try to be more positive this year, I invite you to do the same, when you look in the mirror try verbally acknowledging one thing you see and like, every time. Maybe, just maybe, we all can see what everyone else sees, which is a wonderful and insightful woman!

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