Saturday, October 8, 2016

Can you change your metabolism?

Sadly, it is not possible to alter the metabolism you were born with. If you have a slow metabolism you can't just "wish" your metabolism would accelerate. The good news is regular exercise can help boost your metabolism. This post is just about that!
Obviously, working out for 30 minutes will burn more calories than sitting watching TV. However, exercise is also significant in boosting your body’s overall natural ability to burn fat. The answer is not just cardio. You have to do weight training as well to achieve maximum benefits.
First, regular cardio exercise, think spinning, running, dancing, gets your body used to burning fat that is already present in the body. Secondly, weight training increases your body’s muscle mass. Muscles require calories to be maintained and so the more muscle you have, the more fat you can burn. Follow me so far? Increasing your muscle mass will increase the amount of calories that your body burns each day. You should combine your weight training with aerobic exercise to achieve optimal results.
So what are some good exercises to achieve the desired effects? Anything you love and will do over and over again. For me that is spinning but you can try running, walking or any vigorous sport. The key is consistency!
If you want to get injured then by all means go into a gym and start with a weight you aren't sure you can handle. You should start slowly and exercise with weights that you are comfortable with and then gradually increase them to build muscle mass. If you are unsure of where to start then seek the advice of a fitness trainer at the gym. Ask the front desk to introduce you to a trainer if you are uncomfortable approaching a trainer. They will be happy to help! A good trainer should be able to create a weight training plan that is suitable for you.
Changing your metabolic rate takes hard work and commitment. It can not be done in a day. Adding weight training and cardio into your lifestyle you can increase the amount of calories you burn on a day to day basis.

You can find my workouts on my YouTube Channel or you can follow me on Instagram for all things Sassy Girl Fitness!


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