Sunday, June 5, 2016

Walk This Way For Weight Loss

Have you walked the 2,181 mile-long Appalachian Trail? 10,000 people have! Yes, 10,000 is a big number but the sad truth is more than 100 million North Americans in general get no physical activity each day. Not even 10 minutes a day! What is even more sad is most of the 10,000 plus another 100 million or more, are overweight.
Most people gain weight from too little healthy activity and too much unhealthy food. I understand that some people have a genetic tendency to gain weight. But that is just an excuse. The good news is genes can be switched on or off, depending on lifestyle choices. I know because I have genes that I have to "fight."
All it takes to prevent weight gain is getting up to move. You don't need a fancy gym to get up and move. You can just WALK. You just have to walk for an hour a day to minimize your genetic predisposition for obesity in half. Try to walk at least a total of 10,000 steps a day. Start slow, but don't give up. I've seen people go full throttle and burn out and quit after the first few weeks on a plan. Try to hit the 10,000 mark within a month or so. That is your goal. You'll be surprised at how easy this becomes.
Diet is 80% of the healthy lifestyle game. Include the following in your day:

  • Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean protein
  • Use olive oil.
  • Get enough omega-3 fatty acids a day to equal 900 milligrams. (Take supplements from algae.)
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Sleep at least 7 hours a night (many folks need 8). It helps keep off extra pounds. 4 hours of sleep a night is not good for weight loss or maintenance. You won't make smart choices.

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