Sunday, December 6, 2015

Partner Up! 5 Exercises you can do with a workout buddy.

Sometimes you need to have someone to workout with you. Research has shown that people are more likely to stick to their plan if they are held accountable. So grab an accountability buddy and start your sweat sesh.
Here are some exercises you can do together:

Partner Push-Up with Shoulder Tap: Tap into this! Find a mat and get down on all 4s, facing your partner in a push up (full or's your choice). Next, lower your bodies by bending at the arms with the abdominals engaged. Push back up to the starting position, then lift your right hand, and tap your partner on the left shoulder (while your partner does the same thing). Complete 10-12 reps, alternating hands each time.

Wheelbarrow Push-Ups: Remember this one from your days as a youth? This is a tough one so if you are just starting out I would advise to skip this one for now. Work up to it! Start in a traditional push up position with your accountability buddy holding your feet in their hands. Bracing the core, head down and complete as many push-ups as possible while maintaining good form. With each down motion, add in a synchronized squat on your partner’s end to really double up. You do NOT move forward during this exercise.

Body weight Squat: Stand facing your partner at arm’s length, like how far you'd be from your dance partner in Jr High, with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, grasping each other’s forearms. Maintaining a secure grip, at the same time squat down until the thighs are about parallel to the floor. Hold, then slowly return to starting position. Repeat for 10-12 reps.

Dynamic Lunge: Shorty get low, low, low, low.  For this move, stand facing your partner at arm’s length, clasping each other’s hands between you. Next, lunge forward your right leg as your partner lunges backward with their left leg (Turn on your thinking caps this move requires coordination). Reverse the motion, lunging backward with the right leg as your partner lunges forward with the left. Complete 10-12 reps, switch legs, and repeat.

Reach-and-Touch Plank: You and your partner are team mates, right? Go join awesome forces and show 'em how it's done. Lying on your stomach facing your partner, position the elbows under the shoulders with the palms flat on the floor and the toes tucked under. Next, using the muscles in your core, elevate the torso into a plank position, (you must move at the same time) and reach forward with the right hand to touch your partner’s right hand. Follow swiftly with the left, then lower your bodies back down to the floor. Complete 11-14. Follow this by saying "good game" in a monotone voice.

Try these fun 5 exercises with your workout BFF for a lively sweat sesh! Your waistline will thank you for not indulging in high calorie foods.

I found this awesome article that I think you would appreciate and like:
Get More than a Beach-Ready Body with 10 the Best Core Exercises 

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