Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Healthy travel tips for the holidays

Winter holidays are close, and you are already packing for your trip. You want to make sure that you will have the time of your life, but what about your health? How can you feel active and strong during all those long walks, and how can you keep your diet while trying traditional, exotic food? Check out these tips:
·   Find a hotel with a gym. For sure you will not be in the mood to work out, but 30 minutes of exercise per day are necessary to keep yourself fit. Since there’s no point to make a gym subscription in another country, you have to find a hotel that offers this facility. In the morning, before going out, stop in the gym for 30 minutes; it will be worth it.
·   Choose the healthy meals. Of course, there are many traditional dishes that you want to try, but how good this will be for your body? If you eat huge portions and heavy meals, you will not have enough energy to walk around the city all day, not to mention swimming or climbing. Try to find healthy, low calorie meals that are still tasty.
·   Take nutritional supplements. You will not sleep enough, you will eat fast and you will forget about your daily vitamins intake. In this situation, you need something to keep you going even when you feel exhausted. Nutritional supplements will provide the nutrients that you need so you can enjoy your vacation!
·   Make prior arrangements. You don’t want to think that you will need a doctor, but it’s better to be prepared. If you don’t know the city and you need a consult, you can use a service like Amino. This will allow you to find the right doctor for you within seconds, no matter what insurance you have or what kind of specialist you need.
·   Don’t indulge on sweets. We all know how it goes: you are in vacation, so there’s nothing wrong if you have chocolate for breakfast and Ice Cream for lunch. Well, it might seem simple, but the problem is that a few days in this rhythm can destroy the balance that you struggled to create for months. After your vacation, you will have cravings and it will be difficult to give up sweets again.
·   Keep a first aid kit in your bag. This can be very helpful in those days when you can’t enjoy your time because you have a headache!

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