Sunday, August 10, 2014

ChChCh Changes

What you are about to read is true. Someone comes to me with a big life changing goal. They want to lose 50lbs and completely transform the way they look (and feel). Sounds reasonable, right? I am a personal trainer so I am the right person to come to about such a change, correct? After hearing the goals of this person, we map out the training and we talk about the parameters of a nutrition plan to achieve it. I want to point out that virtually every time this happens it involves physique or body transformation rather than performance. (Athletes, no matter what level they play at, tend to follow through and do whatever it takes).
I always ask, “What are you prepared to do to achieve your goal?”  The answer, 100% of the time is, “Whatever it takes.”  So we begin.
The first week I see them 3 times, typically the perfect amount of training days. They tell me they’re keeping a food log, which is the most important piece of a fat loss plan.
The second week I see them 2 times. They tell me they had a work gathering, but other than that they’ve been really sticking to the nutrition plan we created for them. Looking over the food journal, nothing we discussed has really been implemented except for a the occasional token change that is obvious.
By the third week, they don’t show at all. The fourth week, they come in once, and they give me their food journal but tell me that I shouldn’t really look at it “because it’s not really representative of how I eat normally.”
The person had a big, transformative, life-changing goal. Their actions and behavior were small, insignificant, and inconsequential.
Wanna be let in on a secret: all of the instant-results and quick-fixes are scams. Don’t be fooled by glossy ads in magazines or the cute fit models looking great in the GNC ads.

If you want to change your life in a big way, you will have to CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN A BIG WAY.
If you want to lose a transformative amount of body fat, and keep it off forever, you must:
1.              Find time to lift heavy weights 3 times a week.
2.              Eat differently than you eat now. That means cut out all your dinners that can be ordered at a fast food joint or anything meal that can be made that comes from a box.
3.              Sleep. 6-8 hours EVERY night.
4.              Reduce or manage stress in your life. Hint: do #1 and you will be helping yourself.  
There is simply no way around this.  Don’t try to argue with me. Don’t cheat. I’m not trying to be mean. I’m just telling you the truth.  

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