Sunday, July 20, 2014

Secret Eating

Spend enough time with fitness professionals, though, and the truth starts to seep out. Slowly at first, and then often as a flood once the dam breaks.
The not so secret fact that no one wants to come clean about, is that some fitness professionals don’t feel great, they gain weight and get exhausted listening to your problems when they too have issues.
That’s right. They’re frustrated with their diets. Unhappy with their body composition, alternating back and forth between beach body and bagel bum.
After teaching I ALWAYS get asked what I eat. People think I’m a crazy diet almost all of the time just because I’m in the fitness industry. I’m not, and those that know me would laugh at the thought.
Just yesterday a respected health coach and I were talking about crazy diets and how insane they are. I don’t recommend them...AT ALL. Guess why? They are crazy! There is a reason whey 95% of dieters not only put all the weight back on, but they gain more. Partly physiological (ie your body) and partly psychological (ie your mind), crazy diets are just that. They make you crazy, obsessed and miserable. And celebrities have no right to use their influence to say they lost weight and got fit because they did nothing but drink maple syrup and lemon juice for 2 weeks. It’s downright dangerous. There is only one way- a healthy, nutritious, mindful lifestyle with good food and lots of movement. It’s very upsetting to know that just because a celebrity is saying it that most people will think about doing it. My hubby was talking to me about doing a crazy juice diet. I got so upset that he was even considering partaking in such a dangerous diet. I started off on a rant about how it’s awful for you. He knows better, he LIVES with me. He hears  my thoughts on the matter all the time but he hears about how people in the media lose weight fast and it’s tempting. (In hindsight he was probably just trying to rile me up. Which he did. BUT this post was born. So, thanks!)
I don’t use supplements. This is simply because I love food so much that getting enough nutrients from food for me is the best option. I teach and train a lot so I need to stay healthy. For me, food is the cure. For others, it’s a protein shake. I’m not saying never to supplements, but right now I get all I need from good old-fashioned food.
So, what do I eat? And what do I advise you eat? Well, firstly let me just say I am by no means telling you what to eat. There are all sorts of allergies and intolerances and moral choices out there that make each and every person’s diet different.
This is what works for me. And can very easily be described:
- lots of eggs (up to 4 a day sometimes, and yes, whole eggs and yes my cholesterol is just fine thanks)
- lots of veg (eat the rainbow, I eat leafy green EVERY single day)
- moderate amounts of meat (chicken or fish)
- small amounts of fruit (about one portion a day, and usually berries with natural yogurt)
- small amounts of white stuff (potato, bread and rice. I make up for it with extra veg/meat and if I
really want bread I go for the dense grainy type)
- small amounts of dairy (this is tough for me, I love cheese!)
Some weeks are better than others. Some weeks I eat REALLY well for 6 days and have an ‘eff it’ cheat day. Those days are awesome :)
Other weeks I’m busy and only eat once or twice a day. This is not a sin, I simply eat more at once rather than smaller amounts all day.
I try and listen to my body. I eat when I’m hungry and I stop when I’m full. I drink plenty of water.
And if I want a pizza sometimes, I’ll have it (just not EVERY time I think about it!) Oh, and chocolate.
So I hope that clears up a few issues. I make it work for me, and that is the only advice I’ll give to you too. Find what works, and do it.

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