Saturday, March 22, 2014

How Much Water?

How much water do I need to drink when I exercise?
The answer for this is fairly easy for most people and simple to understand. If your typical exercise session is around 60 minutes or less, and doesn’t involve vigorous activity outdoors in hot, humid weather, you probably don’t need to interrupt your exercise session for a drink unless you prefer to. On average a healthy, average-sized person can produce as much as 32 oz of sweat during an hour of moderate to vigorous indoor exercise. It may seem like a lot of sweat. Especially if you are soaked, but really it isn’t enough to cause problems unless you’ve been seriously depriving yourself on fluid before your exercise session. A simple way to tell if you need H2O, your urine should be clear or light yellow in color. If it are good to go. If it’s dark yellow with a strong urine smell, have a cup or two of aqua a ½ to 1 hour BEFORE exercise. Basically unless you want to drink water during your workout you don’t have to.