Saturday, February 22, 2014

Things Fitness Instructors Say

I am proud to be a fitness instructor.  A fitness instructor teaches students how to lead healthier lives through improved exercise and diet. We are generally expected to motivate them and help you reach realistic goals.
While I am an instructor I am also a student.  It seems that I take nearly as many classes as I teach.  Doing this opens me up to new ideas and new techniques.  It also gives me a perspective of the fitness world from both sides of the room.  

Boutique studios are EVERYWHERE. Whether its barre, spin or HIIT workouts you can expect to pay $35 per class. It ain’t cheap. You can easily spend hundreds of dollars a week at these studios. Sure sometimes I can get into a class for free but more often then not I spend $35 for a class just like everyone else.  

When I take a $35 class I expect a few things,from the facility.  I expect a clean bathroom that sports yummy smelling soaps and lotions and I expect water filling station. These things are pretty much standard especially in the better facilities here in New York so when I don't get them I definitely judge the place.
Beyond the clean bathroom what  I expect the most is a killer workout.  If I leave class not having felt challenged I feel anything but Sassy.  

I understand the pressure instructors are under to deliver each and every class. Sure when a class doesn't go well we have our stock pile of excuses.  Some make me giggle inside but some excuses really bug me.  Like for example…”Who is hungover today?” That one makes me cringe.  I’m not hung over and wouldn’t do this workout if I was. Are you asking because it’s important to know? If you are hungover that changes the way you workout. Why would you as an instructor ask this?  Are you being fun and hip?  Does anyone with a hangover feel like being reminded that they drank too much last night?

Another one is "Smile. Working out is fun!"  This annoys me because when I am asked to do things that are tough or challenging the last thing I want to do is smile. Yes, burpees/mountain climbers/squat jumps are great for your body and heart but I don’t particularly like them and you can bet your ass I won’t be smiling while doing them. But I do them!

These are a few things that you as a student can now be annoyed at just like us pros.