Sunday, July 28, 2013

Spark, Inspire, Egg On. Whatever You Want To Call It.

If you had summarize your feelings about exercise in two words most people would answer “It stinks."  Just knowing that exercise is good for you doesn't seem to be enough to get most moving.
To stick with an exercise routine, you need a reason to carry on when that little voice inside says, "Sit on the couch. Have a doughnut."

Does this sounds familiar? Don't give up hope. I’ve got some ideas on how to love the art of working out.

Be Practical
If it’s your First-time going out for a run don’t set an unrealistic goal that is too ambitious. Like “I’m gonna wake up super early and run 2 miles, 3 miles the day after that, and then I’m going to run the New York City Motha-fuckin’ Marathon!” You don’t want to go for maximal goals and then get overwhelmed so you give up.

So here’s an idea: don’t start off trying to work out an hour every day. Instead, set more reasonable, achievable goals, like exercising 20 to 30 minutes two or three times a week.

Track Your Footprint
Want to see your improvements? Duh! Everyone does, so chart your progress! Don’t worry there is an app for that.  You can go high-tech or old-school and write in a  fitness journal. Seeing incremental improvements, whether it's improved time, increased reps, or greater frequency of workouts, can boost your exercise motivation

Finish What You Started.....
No one is perfect! I repeat NO ONE is perfect! If you miss a day because life happens (you get sick, a loved one dies, etc) you don’t just give up. You get back up on the horse and start again. This will make you better prepared mentally to deal with setbacks.

To keep injuries from sidelining you, do your best to prevent them by warming up, cooling down, stretching properly, and not doing too much too soon.

Don’t Scrutinize
I know there is a 13 year old inside of you that compares yourself to that Barbie looking girl at the gym who has such a tanned, toned bod and wears her sports bra as a top.

She is a freak and hardly anyone looks like that. I’m serious! I workout for a living and I don’t look like that. Nor do I want to. This is important: Don’t compare yourself Barbie Girl Do not let her 0% body fat deter you from your goal.