Saturday, April 13, 2013

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

We all make mistakes but when it comes to weight loss I’ve seen it all from consuming “Diet” food to taking weight loss supplements. Here are 4 common mistakes I see all the time. Losing weight isn’t that complicated if you commit and change your lifestyle.

1. Trying out out exercise a bad diet.
Wanna burn out fast? Keep eating poorly and do extra exercise. That’s a formula for failure. Exercise helps with weight loss but a great body is made in the kitchen. Watch what you put in your mouth. You can do all the ab work in the world but if you want a lean midsection it all starts with what you are eating.

2. Avoiding Weights
How many times have you seen someone trying to lose weight by doing a tremendous amount of cardio? It’s not the best way to burn fat.  Yes, cardio does burn calories but only during activity and the afterburn doesn’t last long. If you are looking to burn calories for hours after your workout pick up some weights.
You need both cardio AND weight training.

3. Cutting out FAT
Eating Fat does NOT make you fat. Yes, fat is higher in calories than pure protein but some fats are good for you and aide in weight loss. For example: Avocado. So go ahead and eat healthy fats while controlling your total calorie intake.

4. Excuses
Don’t set yourself up for failure by making up reasons why you are overweight. “I have bad genes” or “I’m just so busy.” If there is a will there is a way. Make a plan for success. Plan your workouts, plan your meals and get ready to watch yourself succeed.