My companions,
It's been some week, huh? I don't know about you, but I feel completely overwhelmed and angry. I wasn't sure what to do with this feeling. My first instinct was to take it out on random men. No, that is not a good idea because most men are good and it isn't fair of me to put all men in the same category. Notwithstanding when our reality feels partitioned and segregating, I know the best way to rise is as one. This is what I am going to do: Make contact with someone who I have not been in touch with. Somebody who I don't normally encounter or thinks differently from me. As hard as it is, it's OK not to think alike. I need to remember that. I will remark positively on their life. Take a new friend out for coffee. Compliment a stranger on their clothing. Talk to other women about their fitness program, etc.
I plan on channeling my anger into building other women up. I'm going to spread love like it's going out of style and I encourage you to do the same.
Be well, be you, be healthy both mentally and physically.
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