Sunday, April 15, 2018

Organize your fridge

Want to eat healthier but don’t know where to start? You might just be able to trick yourself into making it happen.
Here are simple ways you can arrange the contents of your fridge, prepare your food and store your snacks to promote a healthier lifestyle.
Fruits (and other healthy items) to the front
Having healthy snacks ― fruits, vegetables, grains ― visible and within reach can change your snacking habits. Also you save fridge drawer space. If you like to store your fruits and veggies use clear plastic bags for grab and go conveniency. Since hydration is important, water should be the first thing you see in your refrigerator. Put seasonal fruits in bowls on open counters while packaged snacks and sweets are relegated to drawers or opaque jars. You’re more likely to grab healthy food to munch on for a snack or add that food to a meal you’re already cooking.
Do the dirty work first
Immediately upon returning home from the grocery store wash fruits and veggies and chop them up into bite sized pieces. If you have a whole pineapple, you’re less likely to eat it than if you go ahead and cut it up into smaller pieces. Anything that gets you to eat veggies and makes it easier for you to do so is a win.
Divide the fridge into sections (and CLEAN IT.)
Have different sections for different categories of food, It prevents cross contamination, but it also is organized so you can make a well-balanced meal.
Also don’t forget ― to clean your fridge.

Remember, A tidy fridge is an inviting fridge! Throw out those leftovers weekly.
In Health,

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