Do you notice that you tire more easily during your workouts? Are you hitting a plateau? If you answered yes, you might be suffering from lack of sleep.
In addition to enhancing focus, sleep also boosts your performance and muscle repair.
Here are 4 sleep tips:
1. Start your training earlier during the darker months.
If you begin your daily workout earlier then usual, you will get more exposure to natural light and secrete less melatonin. Plus, you will be ready for bed at an ideal time. So, if you are getting up early to train, make sure you also get to bed early to compensate.
Try to sleep at least seven or eight hours per night to prevent feeling sleepy before the end of the day.
Four to five hours is not going to cut it.
2. Put down your electronics AKA bluelights.
Bluelight from your cellphone TV and iPad interrupts your natural sleep cycle. For better sleep cut out your lights one to two hours before bed time. This will help you fall asleep at a specific time every night.
3. Meditate before sleep.
To fall asleep fast shortly after hitting your pillow, meditate for thirty minutes before sleep to reduce the tensions in your life.
Meditation also encourages mindful sleep which helps to reset your biological clock easily too.
4. Take power naps before your workout.
If you feel sleepy, it is best advised that you take a ten to twenty minute power nap before working out to improve your energy and stamina. A power nap prior to your workout helps in warming up your brain.
Sleep is the most important fitness strategy.
Try these four top sleep tips today for a cozy and mindful sleep.
In Health,