Saturday, January 13, 2018

Do you let your body recover from your workouts?

Do you take a rest day? Meaning you don't workout. Rest days are super important not just for giving your body time to recover from workouts, but also to help your muscles become stronger as they rebuild. If you workout, regardless of your fitness level, you need  least one rest day each week. I take 2. When you don't allow your body to rest and recover you’re simply putting yourself at risk for overtraining. That can lead to a whole host of problems ranging from stress fractures and joint pain to sleepless nights.
I can't tell you how often I have to stress the fact you shouldn't exercise everyday for an extended period of time. To put it simply, too much of a good thing – even exercise – can be bad. Why? Because working out, especially at high levels with high impact, breaks down your body tissue. Which is why you shouldn't take 6 days of HIIT classes per week.  Resistance training actually breaks down muscles causing microscopic tears and it is on rest days when the muscles, nerves, bones and connective tissue get the needed time to rebuild.
So take a day or two off each week. Your body will actually perform better and you'll see results quicker.

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